Citrus Heights (CA) Police Department | Workout Program

Citrus Heights (CA) Police Department | Workout Program

Citrus Heights (CA) Police Department

State: CA

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Citrus Heights (CA) Police Department | Workout Program

Since its inception in 2006, the Citrus Heights Police Department (CHPD) has strived to provide a family-oriented environment, with an emphasis on officer safety and wellness. One important program that has shown to enhance their officer wellness is the sabbatical program; this program provides four, guaranteed consecutive weeks of paid time off for police officers, police sergeants, police lieutenants, and non-sworn community services officers assigned to the patrol division (sabbatical). This sabbatical is in lieu of holidays and is in addition to their annual vacation leave. This time off allows officers to “get away” from work and focus on their psychological wellbeing and their families by giving them separation from stresses of fieldwork.

In addition to their Sabbatical Program they also have an “On Duty Workout Program.” The program is designed to allow officers a 40-minute workout while on duty on each of their work days; CHPD has taken it a step further and has created an awards program to incentivize more personnel to utilize the program. The addition of the award portion of the program has resulted in almost three times the number of officers scoring “good” or “excellent” on their annual fitness assessments. A competitive sense has moved into the CHPD sworn ranks and has infused the staff members with common goals that are beneficial to them on a personal health level, and also beneficial to the department overall. Healthy and fit employees are less likely to be injured and they generally have a higher morale and sense of self.