Current Exhibits

To Serve and Protect

9/11 And Aftermath

Listen to the stories of law enforcement officers who protected and served their communities during the deadly terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Learn about the rescue operations, the recovery efforts, and how communities and law enforcement quickly came together in the face of a national tragedy.

Charleston’s Illumination Project

On June 17, 2015, a white supremacist murdered nine African Americans inside the AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. In response, citizens and members of the Charleston (SC) Police Department came together for a year of listening sessions in order to strengthen community relationships.

Air Florida Flight 90 Rescue

A passenger flight crashed into the 14th Street Bridge and into the freezing Potomac River on January 13, 1982. Follow US Park Police Pilot Don Usher and Rescue Technician Eugene Windsor’s harrowing helicopter rescue. The Eagle One Bell Long Ranger that flew that day hangs above this exhibit.

Web Of Law Enforcement

On a wall of interactive screens, choose from 60 recent criminal cases that have taken place throughout the United States. Follow the case from start to finish, learning how law enforcement agencies have protected, served, and interacted with one another from first response efforts to court trials.