
Honoring Jewish Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty

From Shomrim5.14.2009

In a solemn yet uplifting service, members of the Shomrim Society gathered early Thursday morning at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in honor of Jewish law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.

They said prayers – in English and Hebrew. And Major Jay Gruber, of the University of Maryland-College Park Police Department, sounded the Shofar as part of the Kaddish Service. The Kaddish is a central prayer in the Jewish Prayer Service and often is part of the mourning rituals in Judaism at funerals and memorials.

From Shomrim5.14.2009

Major Gruber, who serves as president of the Shomrim Society of the Washington Metropolitan Area, recounted a recent speech he gave before a group of students on his campus. They were skeptical that being Jewish and a law enforcement officer were compatible. He reassured them that there are plenty of references in Scripture and Jewish tradition to the type of service that is central to law enforcement work.

Sam Miller, of the NYPD and President of the National Shomrim Society, read aloud the names of all Jewish law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty, in the DC region and throughout the country: