Revisiting the Firearms Survival Summit of 2023

PRECINCT 444 Podcast

A Podcast of The National Law Enforcement Museum

Revisiting the Firearms Survival Summit of 2023


On January 31, 2023, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund hosted a pivotal event on the topic of prevention of firearms injury and line-of-duty deaths. This entire day event featured law enforcement and firearms experts and leadership, as well as statistical data from NLEOMF’s proprietary Mid-Year and End-of-Year Law Enforcement Officers Fatalities Reports to deliver actionable content and tools. The nation’s most respected law enforcement tactics practitioners, combined with the most current and innovative training and technology will provide lifesaving firearm and ambush survival solutions.

For this episode of Lifeline, Bill Alexander, Troy Anderson, and Matt Garcia, will revisit the summit and re-examine the various topics and presentations put on by experts in their fields, and discuss solutions, as finally, talk about the feedback they received from across the country.

To watch the entire Summit, please visit: Law Enforcement Officers Survival Summit

For more information about The Memorial Fund’s Officer Safety and Wellness department, please visit: OSW

  • Bill Alexander, Executive Director, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial
  • Troy Anderson, Executive Director, Officer Safety and Wellness, NLEOMF
  • Matt Garcia, Project Manager, Officer Safety and Wellness, NLEOMF