Lifeline | The Evolution of Law Enforcement Mass Casualty Training

PRECINCT 444 Podcast

A Podcast of The National Law Enforcement Museum

Lifeline | The Evolution of Law Enforcement Mass Casualty Training


This month marks the 25th anniversary of the mass shooting that took place at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. In addition to the upcoming Museum program, “Picking Up the Pieces: How Law Enforcement and Communities Rebuild After Mass Casualty Events” (link below to register), we at Precinct 444 decided to release a Lifeline-focused episode about mass shooter incidents. Lifeline is all about providing a holistic wellness approach focused on supporting American law enforcement, and in this instance, educate the public on mass shooter situations (link below).

On this episode, Matt Garcia, Deputy Director of OSW Programs and retired Lieutenant with the Connecticut State Police, hosts Supervisory Special Agent, John Skillestad with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to discuss the evolution of mass shooter safety and training developed in law enforcement. They also analyze the effects of this new training (ALERT) from a tactical perspective and the peer support offered to law enforcement following these types of incidents.

You won’t want to miss this episode and be sure to register for the upcoming Museum program!
