Law Enforcement


The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund would like to thank our entire community for joining us last month for Police Weekend. More than 10,000 law enforcement officers, survivors of our fallen heroes, and supporters from around the country came to Washington, DC, to attend the Candlelight Vigil and other important events at the Memorial and Museum, and many thousands more participated virtually watching livestreams and lighting virtual candles.

In Advance of Honor

Researchers at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial follow a stringent and emotional process to vet names of the fallen. Peeling back layers, overturning proverbial stones, unearthing nuggets of information that are sometimes nearly impossible to find. The process that leads to fallen officers being honored by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial is not

The Takeaway: Traffic Fatalities

Avoiding Traffic Fatalities—Training, Preparation, and Technology Avoiding Traffic Fatalities—Training, Preparation, and Technology  was the last of three programs in the Destination Zero Fatality Report and Program Series, a series of programs to supplement the release of the 2020 Law Enforcement Officers Fatalities Report. Download the full report here During the program we heard from Harris

The Takeaway: Firearm Fatalities

Protecting Ourselves Against Firearm Fatalities Protecting Ourselves Against Firearm Fatalities—Funding, Media, and Policy  was the second of three programs in the Destination Zero Fatality Report and Program Series, a series of programs to supplement the release of the 2020 Law Enforcement Officers Fatalities Report. Download the full report here During the program we heard from Superintendent

The Takeaway: Covid-19 Fatalities

Navigating The COVID-19 Health Crisis—Information, Leadership, And Support Navigating the COVID-19 Health Crisis was the first of three programs in the Destination Zero Fatality Report and Program Series, a series of programs to supplement the release of the 2020 Law Enforcement Officers Fatalities Report. Download the full report here During the program we heard from Dr. Alex Eastman,

2021 Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum Commemorative Coins

 In January of 2021, the United States Mint will accept advance orders for the exclusive National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum Commemorative Coins. Each year, Congress authorizes a maximum of two commemorative coin programs to celebrate and honor American people, places, events, and institutions. This is an honor of which we are very proud.